• 115 Paul Kruger Street,Pretoria, South Africa, 0002
  • Monday to Friday 9:00am -18:00pm


kruger National Park

The Krudger National Park is the biggest of the twenty one South African National Parks. It covers an area of about 18989 square kilometres. This is just shy the size of Belgium. It is  350 kilometres from the north to south and 60 kilometres from the east to west. The diversity, density and abundance of its flora and fauna makes it one of the most fascinating parks in the world.

It is not only famous for its vast biodiversity, but also for the existence of some of the oldest human origins dating back to 1.5 million years ago. Apart from the evidence of the existence of the earliest humans , we also find  treasure in archaeological remains. There are more than 250 sites inside the park that are considered world heritage sites.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century it was founded as the Sabie Game Reserve, due to the need to protect the animals that lived there. It was not until 31 May 1926 when the government of the day, through the national park laws, proclaimed it a national park known as the Kruger national park.


Currently the Kruger National Park is home to more than two thousand species of herbs and trees, 500 species of birds , 147 species of mammals and 120 species of reptiles and alligators.


We can find six ecosystems in the Kruger National Park: Baobab sandveld, Mopane scrub, Knobthorn-Marula bushveld, thickets of mixed acacias, clusterleaf combretum-silver granite forests and riparian forests.


When it comes to birds, the Kruger National Park is home to resident, migratory and nomadic bird species. This allows us to see one of the above groups depending on the time of the year we undertake our safari tour.


The big five falls in this group, they are one of the most sought after sights. However you will also see other animals like wild dogs, Burchell Zebra, Bushbuck, Cheetah, Common eland, Giraffe , Greater Kudu, Hippo, Impala, Nyala, Roan, Sable, Spotted Hyenas, Warthogs, Waterbuck, wildebeest and many more.

Reptiles, fish and amphibians

About 120 species of reptiles are found in the Kruger national Park, including the famous Nile Crocodile. There are a variety of alligator and amphibian species.


Like we have already mentioned, there is a large variety of plants and animals that you can see in Kruger National Park.  However we will like you to focus on the following list of your own convinience:

  • The big five: Lion, Rhinoceros , Buffalo, Elephant  and Leopard
  • The small five: weaver buffalo, elephant shrew, Leopard tortoise, lion ant and rhinoceros beetle
  • The big six birds: Ground hornbill, Kori Bustard, Lappet-faced vulture, Martial Eagle, Pel’s fish owl and saddle billed stork
  • The five tree: Baobab, fever tree, Knob thorn, Marula and Mopane


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